The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Oral Pathology
- 第27回
大会長 - 髙田 隆
- 広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究院
口腔顎顔面病理病態学研究室 教授
- The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Oral Pathology
- Professor
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathobiology,
Basic Life Science,Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University
さて、本大会では大会テーマを「口腔病理の新潮流」とさせていただきました。会員の皆様方から先端研究のご成果を発表いただくとともに、現在改訂作業が進められております頭頸部腫瘍の新WHO国際分類に関する国際セッションを開催し、改定に関わった英国Sheffield大学のPaul Speight教授、米国Baylor大学のJohn Wright教授、英国Guy’s HospitalのEdward Odell教授など欧米各国の専門家から、口腔癌や歯原性腫瘍に関わる最新情報を直接聞いていただければと思います。また、同時に科学研究費(B)(海外学術調査)「WHO国際分類改訂に向けたアジアにおける歯原性腫瘍の戦略的大規模調査」に関わっているアジア各国の口腔病理医にも多数参加していただき、会員の皆様と共に歯原性腫瘍に関する集中的な症例検討を行っていただくセッションも企画いたしました。
さらに、特別講演としまして、胃癌の分子病理学研究において世界をリードされている広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究院の安井 弥教授に、「がんの新規診断治療開発に関する分子病理学」と題して、今後の病理学の方向性を示唆するお話をしていただきますとともに、ノーベル賞の対象技術にも上がり、近年の医学生物学的研究に欠くことのできないゲノム編集に関する世界の動きについて、この分野の第一人者で日本ゲノム編集学会会長である広島大学理学研究科の山本 卓教授にお話をしていただきます。
また、昼食時間を利用して、広島大学の栗原英見教授に「Porphyromonas gingivalis に対する血中抗体価検査の臨床的有用性」(共催:サンスター株式会社)についてご講演いただくとともに、東京医科大学の長尾俊孝教授に「“新”WHO分類に基づいた唾液腺腫瘍の病理診断法」についてご講演いただきます。
Dear friends and colleagues,
It gives me immense pleasure to announce that the 27th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Oral Pathology will be hosted by Hiroshima University, Hiroshima on 10-12 August, 2016. We, the department members of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathobiology, Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, are deeply honored to have given charge of the local organizing committee, and we would like to invite you to be a part of this meeting to make it a grand success.
The main theme of this meeting will be; “New Trends of Oral Pathology” - based on revised edition of WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumors in 2017. In addition to various presentations on advanced research, we will have an international session of new classification of Head and Neck tumors. Here, we will invite Professor Paul Speight (Sheffield University, UK), Professor John Wright (Baylor University, USA) and Professor Edward Odell (Guy’s Hospital, UK), who have contributed to new revision of WHO odontogenic tumor classification. I am very happy that you would be able to get the latest information about oral cancers and odontogenic tumors directly from these eminent speakers. We will also invite representative oral pathologists from Asian countries, who have kindly contributed to Grants-in-Aid for scientific research expenses (b: overseas academic research) entitled “Large-scale collaborative survey on odontogenic tumors in Asia” and have prepared special session of cases/slides seminar of Odontogenic Tumors. Please enjoy active discussion with them.
Moreover, we will have two special lectures. One is entitled “Molecular pathological approach to develop novel cancer diagnostics and therapeutics”, which indicates the direction of recent pathological research by Professor Wataru Yasui, (Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University) who is a leading researcher of molecular pathology of gastric cancer in the world. The other one is a lecture regarding “World trend of Genome editing” by Professor Takashi Yamamoto (Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University), a leading authority in this field and President of The Japanese Society for Genome Editing.
At lunch time during the meeting, we will have special lectures; "New Clinical Value of Measurement of Antibody Level against Porphyromonas gingivalis" by Professor Hidemi Kurihara (Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, President-elect of Japanese Society of Periodontology) and "Diagnostic Clues in Salivary Gland Tumor Pathology Based on “New” WHO Classification” by Professor Toshitaka Nagao (Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo Medical University).
Furthermore, this conference includes session organized by JSOP planning committee; report from the committee of “Diagnostic Criteria of Oral Cancer - towards the standardization of oral cancer diagnosis: and three educative slide seminars namely; “How to make autopsy report”, “Cytology” and “Pathological diagnosis of salivary gland tumors”.
During the conference period, the weather in Hiroshima will be quite hot and probably a busy season just before the “Obon-Festival” in Japan. However, the month of August holds a special importance to the people of Hiroshima and also Japan as 6th August commemorates the 71th anniversary of the Hiroshima A-bombing. Please join the 27th JSOP meeting in Hiroshima and feel the importance of world peace and brotherhood. I also recommend you to visit Itsukushimashrine at Miyajima for the famous Tori, one of three most scenic spots in Japan; Onomichi, known for sloping roads, literatures and lucky cats; Kure, historical city for world war II naval port and Yamato museum; and Takehara, Massan’s home town (Massan is founder of NIKKA whisky ) and so on.
We once again welcome you all to be a part of this conference and for a memorable time. Looking forward to seeing you all here in Hiroshima.